Anne (1)

Hi Shelley

Here are the photos. Hope you can open them. Saber is such a good boy when he is not digging up my flowers! The Ember puppy is amazing. Such a good puppy. She rules over Saber and he loves her.

Love Anne


Saber at 12 months


Ember at 8 weeks!


Hi Shelley,

I know that I will have tons more photos for you from time to time, so here's the beginning! Okay, there's one photo here that you're going to think "Oh my God, why are they letting her on the couch!", but we know she'll get bigger, and we don't like the couch that much anyway! We all usually sit in the chairs. Took Abbey for a walk around the yard (dressed in my robe) this morning, and wasn't there 4 people who showed up to see her... good thing I'm not terribly modest! Poor girl is pooped-out and stretched out under the table right now, tough being a popular girl with a social calendar! These were all taken with the digital camera. I plan on putting some film in my good camera and getting some really nice ones of her. I'll be sure to pass those on to you. I want to get some nice outdoor shots, but it's been raining for several days - there are parts of this county still under a flood warning - last day it was sunny was May 11 (and before that it was just as bad.) Hopefully the sun will come out soon, we are taking walks with her in between rain breaks! Take care,



Abbey at 8 weeks!


Hi Shelley,

Here are a couple pictures of Kathe and Vishnue. Both are doing great. Kathe was 45.5 # at the vets yesterday, Vishnue was 46.5. Both are a real handful! Always into something, Oh well they will learn.

Take Care,



Vishnu at 16 weeks!


Kathe at 16 weeks!

Kathy & Orion (2)

Well Shelley,

As always, the excitement of sharing my joy with you, should not come today, as a big surprise. You could not believe (or maybe you can) Orion's performance today, in the obedience ring. He was amongst many seasoned dogs & many more qualified old timers. He held his head high, cued on command & won the hearts of all who watched. I even had the honor of being asked personally about him, by the judge. His temperament is enviable, his intelligence unsurpassed by many others today, as they crowd was big, the noise great. YOU would have been proud of him. He won second place with an incredible score of 192, pretty good for a pup, eh? I know how you always encourage me to do my best, today, Orion did his!!!! I am hoping this finds you happy for the news that once again, Bustah would be proud! Have a great weekend, we are off to have a bone & a nap, he certainly earned his kisses today!

Warm wishes to you,

Kathy & Orion


Orion at 9 months!

Linda (1)

Hi Shelley

Ranger finished puppy kindergarten yesterday and I have to brag and tell you that he was the only puppy (and the youngest) that was able to do the "sit" and "down" commands using hand signals only! What a smart boy!!! I continue to get tons of compliments about him - he really is gorgeous, smart and well behaved! Thank you, again, for giving us such a wonderful puppy!!

Looking forward to talking with you soon - Linda


Ranger at 12 weeks!

J'ai (1)

Hi Shelley,

Josephine is such a love. . .





Hi Shelley,

Ceilidh at 7 months.



Ceilidh at 7 months!
